Forest Therapy: Its Business in Your Business

This past year brought most of our lives to an abrupt hault. Cancellations, lay offs, deaths, closed doors, the list goes on. Most of us experienced emptied grocery shelves, civil unrest, and the general pace of our daily lives slow; we took stock of where our values truly lie. We felt an intensity of new emotions and even revisited some we thought had been stuffed away. These shifts in our worlds were not left at the threshold of 2020. As the world adapts to the quake of the virus we are left with anxiety at the thought of “speeding” back up. Does the speed of our lives mask the intention we have developed?

My hope is that businesses listen and move forward with a more equitable lens to take proactive measures to address the growing anxieties within the minds and bodies of their teams. By supporting their mental health and well-being you are not only investing in them but also the company’s future.

Team outings, retreats, and even the adaptation of preventative wellness programs are a growing interest within the corporate world and small businesses alike. There are numerous benefits of team retreats both on an individual and collective level. Time in nature can work in ways that are new even for an established team.

As a teacher, instructor, or professor, you and your students would benefit greatly from the integration of time in nature for wellness. Exams, papers, social lives, and other stressors can weigh down them down. Bringing your students into the forest allows time for a slowed connection to their environments.

In person large group and corporate wellness offerings are currently on hold. To receive additional information on how to intertwine a forest therapy discussion or walk with your team virtually, reach out to


Sustainability -Words to Ponder


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