30 Days of Sunset
Sunset, a beautiful closing of a day. An end of an era. A fluffy way to say, “you’re fired”.
Let me start here by acknowledging that being fired Fucking sucks. It sucks not being able to create your own closure and seeing projects through, it sucks to lose consistent contact with humble and passionate individuals you admire daily, it sucks to have your world shift beneath your feet.
And by recognizing and holding space for each of these truths…it has to be released. Let it go, Create your own closure. Keep in contact with the people who matter and burn the bridges that no longer serve, Find ways to channel your creativity and connection to self.
But before any of that: Rest. Rest. Rest.
I’m not writing this with angst or even airing past transgressions, I had a lot of personal and close family and friend moments for that (endless gratitude, you know who you are). I just want to acknowledge that being fired is navigating a lot of conflicting emotions and it is crucial to give space for all of it.
So here I am, simply sharing what has greatly helped me come back to myself.
Reset to resilience - with Molly and Sierra
Ironically, the day before this spring cleanse, was the “sunset”. The focus of this Reset grounded in Ayurveda was to slow down, simplify, and act with intention. the timing was serendipitous. Designed to access a renewed sense of energy and clarity. Perfect. The simplicity of the food, self care practices, calls, podcasts, rest, and beautifully curated resources were such a gift to navigate this transition.
Schedule calls with your people. Sign up to volunteer. Write letters to others or yourself, mail them or don’t. Tell yourself you’re cute. Wear a bathing suit around all day. Sit outside and imagine yourself amongst the blades of grass. schedule accountability or co-working calls with a friend. Dunk in a metal trough of cold water. Don’t let the shame of “should”s creep in, you are worthy to just be.
Stained Glass Class - The Clay Lady’s Campus
Breaking things and putting them together again, poetic right? It has given me time to be in my body and tap into a flow state that I was deeply craving. Perhaps it’ll be a forever practice or another hobby come and gone, a nostalgic memory of times in Tennessee but whatever its purpose, I am happy it’s here right now.
Warm humid days are headed our way and after dry heat summers, I am terrified to be quite frank. So I’ve been cleaning, cutting, and taping Reflectix and insulation to the windows while listening to many a podcast. Spray paint a shelf for our storytime in Arkansas (what??). Send out a few inquiry emails. Mindfulness and the always expanding practice of checking the ego, Laugh at the complexity and simplicity of our lives on a floating rock.
Slow Days
Pup and partner cuddles, watching the leaves brighten with the sun, and drinking coffee on a chair outside. No meetings to sign in for or emails to tend to. Daily walks to the mailbox, no severance? That’s cool, *shrugs, that’s why we have emergency savings. Tongue scrape, honey + lemon water, netI, oil pull, and focus on simple rhythms. Wave of nostalgia for Wyoming open spaces, homesickness for the midwest, friends and family sprinkled everywhere, solace in our home outside of a musical city. Ok, time to throw the ball for Indi.
All of this is to say, I understand our lives are nuanced so take what serves and leave what doesn’t. While integrating these things into everyday is deeply nourishing, I recognize it comes from a place of privilege. However, in this current transition, I have leaned heavily into these practices and it has made all the difference. When I am between jobs, I realize I become a more raw and confident version of myself, breaking down titles and assumptions, options seemingly endless, walking into the next version of myself.
What got me here, won’t get me there…so what will? What a gift to continue to figure it out.
*technically, it has been a smidge over 30 days but who’s counting? And it’s been even longer since I wrote for others so here is a glimpse into my heart while I have this writing wave visiting. But I’m probably writing this mostly for myself, either way, cheers!